Sunday 9 June 2019

Me-Made-May 2019 - The Last Pair of Leftovers

Day 13 was for the last pair of leftovers socks I own. Both socks from this pair are made from the same brand of yarn - Drops Delight I think, and both pairs of socks were made around a similar time.
The red sock was made first, and was leftover from a pair of socks that I made Mr M for christmas. He loves those socks and I am very glad. The second one was a leftover from a pair that I made for my Mam. Although the socks were a little bit on the tight side, I still think she wears them... hopefully.

Looking back at the photos I got when I was knitting both the socks I thing they were made on a 2mm circular needle. Which means that they will by 64 stitches all together. The red sock, was made cuff down and I think with a heel flap and gusset heel construction. It fits okay, but is a little on the small side in terms of length and does like to slide down my foot. Which can be rather annoying as it is a shortie sock and the cuff doesn't do anything to help. But I like to wear it because I made it and I can be a little strong willed like that!

The purple sock I believe I tried a new type of sock construction. I did this sock toe up, but also on a 2mm circular needle. For this one I needed to learn how to do a turkish cast on, which was interesting, seeing as all the tutorials I could find all used two circular needles, instead of one long one. At the time I tried to start this sock I was away from home and only had one needle, which was rather frustrating.

I managed the cast on, and then created a video explaining how I did it, which is on my youtube channel if you are ever curious (it is one of the first videos I did so you might have to scroll back a little to find it).

This sock was also the first time I think I had ever done a different type of heel then the heel flap and gusset that I had learnt to do first. I think it was a german short row heel, or it might have been a wrap and turn. The two I find are ever so similar, so I'm not sure what I used.

I then seem to have done a little more knitting on the leg of the sock before starting on the cuff. Which was unusual seeing as I normally go straight from the cuff into the heel. I don't know if I was trying to give a little more height as I would have in a heel flap, but it seems likely. Without actually having written down how I did this sock, which was a very bad idea, I did manage to create a sock that fits quite nicely. It cups my heel more and is a lot more comfortable then it's pair. Maybe I should try and recreate it sometime.

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