Recently I reached a new milestone for it! I finally completed groups 3 through 12, the biggest number of same coloured squares. For some reason, in past Lottie's infinite wisdom, I used the most eye wateringly offensive shade of neon orange. I really don't know why, I must have been going through something! XD Anyway, with those squares now out of the way I can turn my attention to the remaining groups on the table. Groups 13 through 16 including helium will be in the same colour. But I don't have a colour picked out for them just yet. I am thinking of looking through my stash and seeing what I already have. I know full well that I won't have enough for all the squares I need, but at least I can get that one ball out of my stash before I get a load more to complete that section of the project.
Now with groups 13 through 16 considered and planned out, the only squares left are the Actinides, these I do actually have the yarn for, and are a delightful hot pink - Again. past Lottie, what were you thinking? - Unfortunately that yarn is sitting at my mother's house, and as I write this we are in the middle of a lockdown amidst a global pandemic. There is no chance I'm getting that yarn any time soon.
That all being said the end for this huge project does seem to be in sight. I think if I kept my mind to it then I could start to work my way through the next set of groups, and hopefully it won't be another ten years to finish this project!
To take the photo for this post, I laid all the squares out on my living room floor, and they took up more space than I actually had. There was also a lot of tension changes, which will be fun to deal with when we come to trying to join all the squares together.
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