Tuesday 14 May 2019

Me-Made-May 2019 - Another Pair of Leftovers

Day 10 I wore another pair of leftovers socks (I think I have three pairs, so prepare yourself for one more after these!) these leftovers were from my first ever pair of socks, and a pair that I made for my friend Emma.

The first shortie sock made from the yarn from my first pair of socks I believe I made on a 2mm circular needle. I can't remember if this was the first time I had used the needle or not, but the sock wasn't without it problems. I had vastly misjudged when I needed to start the toe in the sock, and I was quite glad that I tried it on before grafting the toe.

It was indeed too short and I had to rip back the toe to put on a few more rows and starting the toe again. This may have made it wearable, but it is still too short. It likes to slip off my ankle, but oh well. It was a learning point, and we moved on.

I think that I made this sock with a 60 stitch count, which also makes it a little too tight on my foot. It was around when I made this when I realised that going down a needle size and not going up in stitch count meant that whilst the sock fit more tightly, it was a little on the uncomfortably small size. But we learned for next time.

The second sock is a leftover sock from when I knitted my best friend a pair of socks. This shortie was made a lot lot later then it's pair here, and was made on 2.5mm DPNs. This sock kept me company when I was working up in the office on the last month or so of my placement before I got my job. I became known for always having my knitting with me and taking it out everytime I had a break. I also took it on a course I was sent on as well, and everyone seemed to be interested in what I was knitting.

The stitch count on this sock was 60 stitches as well, but the needle size is larger. This size does seem to fit my foot nicer than the other sock. Both of the socks are made with one inch of 1x1 ribbing on the cuff before going straight into the heel. The heel I used was a heel flap and gusset type. Which at the time was the only one I felt confident in doing. I had tried a wrap and turn heel for the socks I made for my best friend, but I didn't really feel it went the way I wanted.

These socks are now in regular rotation and I enjoy them a fair bit. Here is the instagram story post from day 10:

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