Monday 13 May 2019

Me-Made-May 2019 - Blue Three Quarter Circle Skirt

I have now caught up and I am writing this post about day 8 on day 8, but it won't be published for a few days! Oh well!

Now Day 8 is a little bit of an unusual one. Those who know me will find the idea of me in a skirt a very odd one. I am not really a dress or skirt kind of person, but for some reason I have three Me-Made Skirts. All of which I never really know when or where to wear them. So Me-Made-May is the perfect time to put some thought into it, and find out what goes nicely with what and what sort of outfits I can wear.

This skirt is a three quarter circle skirt, from a pattern that I drafted myself, and had made another skirt out of before. Although that first was was a little unsuccessful, but you will be seeing that at some point soon.

This skirt is made out of what I believe was the skirt of some sort of evening dress. I was helping out my Granny clear a couple of boxes that had come from another lady's loft somewhere and it was full of yarn and fabric. This showed up, and I was really taken by the colour and the shiney-ness of it. So I took it home and it spent quite a lot of it's days hiding with a lot of the other fabric in the house and nothing really became of it.Until recently when I decided to get my finger out and make something. I dug out the old self drafted pattern and set about making something.

One of the modifications I decided to make however was including a waist band. There wasn't one on the original skirt and I felt that this skirt needed one. It also had a zip, not really done many zips before but the internet is a wonderful thing!

The skirt was whipped up in a couple of days, I had started and finished it around October time and it had it's first outing at a new years eve party later that year. I have to admit it is the first time it has made it out since.

I love the re-made nature of this skirt, and I kept some of the original seams from the previous skirt in it, and it seems to give it a little piece of history. So here is me trying to squeeze it into an outfit for Me-Made-May, I paired it with a yellow shirt, but being me I'm never sure of how I look in these particularly girly things - luckily I don't have to go outside today!

PS - I may have forgotten when I posted the insta story that it wasn't a half circle skirt. It really is a three quarter, I had a mare while drafting the pattern, but more about that later!

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