Thursday 9 May 2019

Me-Made-May 2019 - Necker Socks

My Necker Socks were made a little while ago and have a love/hate story behind them. I made the pair of socks when I got a book called the Op Art Sock Book. It's a great book full of sock patterns that use either colour or texture to create an optical illusion on your socks. The idea is great, and the patterns are great too!

So I set out with great intent to create a pair of Necker socks, one of the first patterns in the book. Unfortunately my choice of yarn let me down substantially. I loved the pattern, I loved the yarn. Together they made something icky and somewhat soul destroying to knit.

The yarn I chose was West Yorkshire Spinner Signature 4 ply in their Bluetit colourway. A Beautiful yarn that really does encompass the colours of the bluetit, of which we have many in our garden. I loved the yarn, and I believe at the time I wanted to knit these socks the only sock yarn in my stash was variegated and patterned. I knew that you shouldn't really mix patterned socks with patterned yarn. I threw caution to the wind because I was inpatient to get knitting, and I learned my lesson the hard way.

To not do things by half I also decided to try making socks two at a time for the first time while attempting to knit these socks as well. My word I know how to make life difficult for myself...

I very quickly fell out of love when I was knitting these socks, and gave up fairly quickly before all the pattern repeats had been done. I cut them short after picking the socks up and filling with dread for knitting them. My stubbornness did help in that I refused just to put them in a corner and forget about them.

I did finally finish the pair of socks, knit on a 2mm circular needle, at a knit night, and in the same night cast on the shortie sock you saw the other day. The leg is a lot shorter than it should be, and the pattern does not show off the yarn at its best, and neither the yarn show off the pattern.

My boyfriend did ask if he could have a pair of Necker socks a little while later, and I did start them. Unfortunately I didn't like the yarn I was making them with and I thought it wouldn't do for a pair of socks, so it got frogged. I haven't quite got around to having a second go. I should sometime though, if only for the satisfaction of having beaten the pattern! :P

So here is the photo from my instagram stories. I was at work the day I wore these socks and they were quite comfy in my work boots, which is all that matters really.

Happy Making!

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