Sunday 5 February 2017

Balling Scraps

In my square making frenzy for the Periodic Blanket, I started to make another multi coloured square and sadly discovered when the yarn ran out in my hand that I didn't have enough to finish the square.
I did however have enough yarn to make a neat little centre pull ball to use in another of my scrap projects! So I thought I would explain how I go about this without the expense of buying a little ball winder.
Toilet roll tube with small cut

All that is needed for making the ball is an old toilet roll tube - a kitchen roll tube or something of similar size should work just as well!

I then made a small cut in the end of the tube, this cut then holds the end of the yarn and this will be the centre. Once the end has been slotted in place the winding can start.

By holding the yarn a little way down, wind the yarn three times around the tube, then, turn the tube a quarter turn in your hand, and wind the yarn another three times. Repeat turning the tube a quarter turn and winding three times until the very end of the yarn.
First three windings

By the end there should be quite a mass of yarn on the tube. Once you have the outer end of the yarn tuck it under one of the previous windings to keep the ball from unravelling. The newly wound ball can then be slid off of the tube. Once off the tube it can be squished into shape.

Now there is a nicely wound ball of wool, which when used can be used from the middle without rolling away, and which looks neat and cute in your yarn stash!

Second three windings at a quarter turn of the tube

Fully wound and with the end tucked in

Fully wound ball off the tube and squished into shape

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